Regardless of how much (or little) you know about investments, stock markets, credit cards, and insurance, your financial planning is most likely to fail if you don't have a firm grasp of your money. Hence, having a solid understanding of your finances, or your financial situation, and being able to manage them intelligently, is the most crucial stage in financial planning. So, what is your financial situation? 1) Earnings and Expenses: Your expenses matter more than earnings when it comes to determining how much money you have on hand after meeting your needs and wants. You must create a 'balance' between your spending and earning patterns if you want to be in a better financial state. Creating a ‘balance’ between your earning and spending patterns will create a benchmark for planning your finances. Normally, a healthy bank balance at the end of the month indicates a trend towards a good financial position, and a zero or negative bank balance at the end of most mo...